
Friday 7 June 2013

Should Drugs Be Decriminalised?

Walt: write an opinion.

I fervently believe that cannabis should be decriminalized. I'm saying this because I don’t want to see people turning into murderers and criminals. Even though people smoke all kinds of drugs and drink alcohol, it should be illegal and banned. To my opinion I think that people are stupid enough to even think of smoking, take sessions and drinking. I think that if people only drink or smoke twice a month that will be brilliant and awesome at the same time. Drugs and alcohol may be a habit, but you should think and do the right thing for you and everyone else. So what I am saying is that people should smoke and drink less and to think in a positive way. Don’t go through depression and  walk in a negative and narrow path. Smokers, drug dealers, drinkers and criminals should think straight and stop doing what they are addicted to. That is my opinion.


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