
Wednesday 26 February 2014

Cats Whiskers

Walt: write an explanation.

How does your cat get through a hole? Well, when a cat is trying to go through a hole the whiskers will know if it can fit in it or not. If the cats whiskers touch both sides of the holes that means it cannot fit, but if it’s whiskers don’t touch the sides of the hole, it means it can fit through the hole.

Cats have feelings just like us human beings. You could tell how they are feeling if you look at its whiskers . When the cats whiskers point straight out it means they're interested in something. If the cats whiskers look normal it means that they are relaxed and happy. If their whiskers are back it means they are scared and threaten of something.

Whiskers are formed in the cats face where all it’s nerves are. It’s helps the cats to pick up tiny air movements. There are also whiskers behind each leg of a cat. It helps the cats to know what the rat are doing.

Cats need whiskers. Don't play with their whiskers because it will feel really annoying. Never cut of their whiskers. They’ll feel lost without them. It’s just like us not having any fingers or toes. So be careful when around you are around cats.

So this all means that cats whiskers are vital to all cats. You should always look after you cats whiskers no matter what.


Unknown said...

Hi Mikayla.
looks like you know a lot about cat whiskers thats cool how cat whiskers help them fit through small holes ,i know a little about cat whiskers. Do you know about how much whiskers on each side of the face.

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